The mice held council, fretting over the stealthy cat who stalked their village and snatched them up in her razor claws when least expected. “We must place a bell on her, so we hear her approach!” a bold young mouse suggested. The other mice cheered and praised his clever plan, imagining their cat nemesis ambling about, bell tinkling to announce her presence so they could scurry to safety. But then an elder mouse creakily rose and spoke: “A fine idea indeed, but who will dare bell the cat?” The cheering mice fell silent, eyes darting nervously, no brave volunteers stepping forward. In the end, the mice abandoned the bell plan, too afraid to act.

Only the elder mouse secretly learned the cat’s sleeping spot, and trembling but determined, crept up and quickly tied the bell around the neck of the slumbering cat before dashing to safety. When the startled cat awoke, her bell rang out, warning the mice. From then on, they were safe, for they knew when danger was coming and could hide in time.
What principles and lessons can be learned from the above stories?
A good plan requires courage and action. With boldness and teamwork, we can achieve what once seemed impossible.