On a bright summer’s day, a grasshopper fiddled joyful songs in a meadow, without a care in the world. Nearby, an ant labored to carry a large ear of corn back to his nest, preparing food stores for the winter ahead. “Come play with me instead of working!” called the grasshopper. “I must work to survive the coming winter,” replied the ant, continuing on.
When winter frost covered the meadows, the grasshopper had only songs to eat while he watched the industrious ants feasting on their stockpile of grain. Hopping to the ants’ nest, the grasshopper begged for food. Though reluctant, the kind ants shared their grain with the improvident grasshopper.

Come spring, the grateful grasshopper worked alongside the ants, singing songs to lighten their load. And when summer ended, the grasshopper’s granary was also full.
What principles and lessons can be learned from the above stories?
Idle pleasure today brings winter want tomorrow. But generosity and redemption can write a new tomorrow.